Soft Skills 7 – Lights, Camera, Action

Time to Thrive and Inspire in Public Speaking and Presenting

What will I learn?

Strong public speaking and presentation skills are in high demand for the many leadership roles and jobs where the ability to speak to a group is imperative. Employers and investors highly value dynamic and well-prepared speakers and presenters.

How do you create speeches and presentations which grab the attention of an audience whilst controlling your performance anxiety? How do you create a slide presentation which hits that sweet spot? Here you will learn theories, techniques, and methodologies you can apply practically to shine at public speak and presenting.

Lesson plan

  • Introduction
  • Your Personality
  • Your Voice and Appearance
  • Overcoming Nervousness
  • Communication Channels
  • Presentations To Go
  • Audience is King
  • Acting Out
  • Magic Touch
  • End Note
Number of lessons
Approx : 8 hours
Communication skills
Certificate issued

199.00 (inc VAT) for 90 days access.

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199.00 (inc VAT) for 90 days access.

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Masterclass overview

What is different about strong presenters?

Strong presenters rely on both skill and confidence. Speaking with impact face-to-face or in the virtual world requires you polish and grow a professional presence. This means having energy and enthusiasm. This is contagious. Any dynamic and animated speakers energise and inspire others.

Why are the practical applications of public speaking and presenting  important?

You will mobilise how to establish rapport, practise nervous management techniques, appeal to different learning and listening styles, use visual aids to make an impression, and organise information to tell a compelling story.

What will you achieve at the end of this Masterclass?

A great presenter has two notable qualities: appropriate skills and personal confidence. Confidence comes from knowing what you want to say and being comfortable with your communication skills. In this class, you will master the skills to make you a better speaker and presenter. 

You will use techniques to create a respected presence and build emotional connections. It’s about harnessing your inner power and setting yourself up for success.

How will you measure success?

  • Establish rapport with your audience.
  • Master techniques to reduce nervousness and fear.
  • Understand your strengths as a presenter and how to appeal to different types of audience.
  • Recognise how visual aids can create impact and attention.
  • Develop techniques to create a professional presence.
  • Learn different ways to logically prepare and organise information.
  • Prepare, practise, and deliver presentations and speeches.
  • Appreciate the power of the audience and how to harness it.

Who benefits from this Masterclass?

We designed this masterclass for anyone keen on improving their public speaking and presenting capabilities and overall communication skills. You may be a school-leaver, apprentice, student, graduate, in a job or looking for job to use enhance professional communication skills confidently or an entrepreneur who is dealing with start-up development and needs to speak and present in  highly professional consistent manner across various audiences.

How will you manage your motivation?

You study at your convenience at your own pace. As you move through the class lessons, be inspired to complete each lesson by monitoring the progress tracker to oversee your class achievement. 

Your e-workbook includes all assignments, information, instructions, tasks and further reading contained in one place. Plus with each lesson being a video, you get to study in an easy and consistent manner. Complete your study of the class material to obtain your certificate.

You decide on the best learning approach which works for you. Select from On-Demand or Live Tutor.

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