The Future Today

Dark background one robotic arm and hand from each side in black and grey shaking hands

Are you ready for Brave New World Inc?

The world of work was tinkering with 4th Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions. Then the Pandemic came along. 

Not only did it shake the global trees of businesses and governments, it exposed the fragility of many economies and laid bare the copious injustices in our global society. 

There are many opposing views on how the global society is judged. What moment is its defining  moment in history? Is it still to be determined?

In the meantime, many people are dealing with the challenge of finding a career in this Brave New World Inc (“BNW Inc”), which hasn’t even written its vision or mission statements yet! 


BNW Inc is throwing up some unique challenges for career development.

 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t even been invented yet.


The traditional business structure is disappearing due to flatter structures, acquisitions, outsourcing and growth of entrepreneurs. 

We expect robots to have a tremendous impact, but so far it isn’t clear what that looks like. 

As the technological advancements and the solutions are so interconnected and fast-moving, no one business will have all the answers.

Learning in realtime

It is expected you will learn in the moment and have the skills and resilience to cope with constant demand of shifting skills sets. So how can you survive this new challenge? 

When you are up against it, it is your relationship and communication skills that will assist you to find solutions and dare you to embrace change. 

Usually you build this overtime, but you will have to press the fast-forward button and get them now.

65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist. 


New opportunities

BNW Inc is racing ahead assisted by the Pandemic. This challenge isn’t just for Gen Alpha any longer, Gen Z and Millennials will be affected too. 

So, can you predict what skills you will need for unknown jobs? 

Some research 3 tells us it is safe to assume that, as a prerequisite, higher order thinking skills are key combined with soft skills.

For many twenty-first century school leavers, the journey from school to the workforce is taking longer and becoming more precarious.


It is a Revolution like no other.

Not only will you have to develop skills at short notice, but society has not prepared you for BNW Inc. 

Even although everyone being affected relative to individual circumstances. Is the change so profound that educators could not capture your future job training needs? 

Educators like business don’t seem to have all the answers. So is it time for a further shift of the Global Village? 5 . If so, maybe you can expect a spirit of co-creation and collaboration with business to find solutions.

On the surface it can make your brain hurt preparing for future job skills requirements, but it is key to giving you a competitive edge. 

The good news is as the global trees shake you can be ready to catch and co-create the career opportunities.


1 – Dell technologies, Institute For The Future ( 2018)

2 – Scott McLeod and Karl Fisch, “Shift Happens” (2007)

3 – World Economic Forum The Future of Jobs Report (2018)

4 – Mitchell Institute Report preparing young people for the Future of work Kate Torii and Megan O’Connell (2017)

5 – Marshall McLuham (1967) “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man” (1962) “Understanding Media” (1964); Marshall McLuhan  and Barrington Nevitt, The Executive as Dropout (1972); Marshall McLuham and   Bruce R. Powers (1989) The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century.

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